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WhatsApp Monitoring

Keep an eye on your kid’s WhatsApp activities. Ensure they are not involved in interaction with cyberbullies or online predators.

Whatsapp Tracker -

With Kidsecured Parents Can:

  • Read all sent and received texts shared on WhatsApp;
  • View all media files exchanged during the conversation;
  • Check date and time of every activity taking place on WhatsApp;

Why Parents Will Find This Feature Useful?

of teens respond to the messages of strangers online

WhatsApp is becoming increasingly popular among teens and tweens making their parents highly concerned that their kids may fall into the cyber-crime trap.
Monitoring your kid’s WhatsApp with Kidsecured, you can keep your kids away from people with nefarious intentions and stay on the top of their safety even when you are not around.

Ultimate WhatsApp Parental Control for Android and iOS – Kidsecured

Nowadays, it is hard to find a person who doesn’t have WhatsApp on their device. Kids are not an exception. While one of the most powerful giants of social media continues to grow in numbers, parents get concerned about their kids’ safety and privacy.

Why to Monitor WhatsApp Messages?

WhatsApp was created to help people to communicate with friends and family all over the globe. But like every coin has two sides, some people use WhatsApp with nefarious intentions. Consequently, while kids use WhatsApp, they may fall into cyber-crime trap, become victims of cyberbullies and online predators.

For this reason, every parent needs to monitor what their kid is up to on WhatsApp. But very often due to the hustle and bustle of everyday life they can't be with kids 24/7. That’s why the question: “Is there parental control on WhatsApp?” is becoming increasingly popular.

Benefits of WhatsApp Parental Monitoring

Luckily there are WhatsApp parental control apps that may reduce worries and ensure kids are safe online. Once you’ve decided to use WhatsApp parental controls to know what your kids do on WhatsApp, you need to be sure that nothing violates their privacy and trust.

There are a lot of parental controls for WhatsApp, some of them are free, some are paid, but only Kidsecured can guarantee overall safety and protection. Here are some reasons why Kidsecured is the best choice for WhatsApp parental monitoring:

  • It is compatible with Android and iOS devices;
  • Parents can view all WhatsApp texts, media, calls;
  • The installation takes less than 10 minutes;
  • It is absolutely undetectable and easy to use;
  • Immediate access to the virtual dashboard;
  • All WhatsApp data can be accessed remotely;
  • It can be used to monitor other activities on kid’s device;
  • 24/7 Customer Support;

How to Use Kidsecured Parental Monitoring Over WhatsApp

Follow these simple steps to get started with Kidsecred parental monitoring WhatsApp:

  1. Purchase subscription that compiles the most with your demands. Fill in the order form and submit your payment.
  2. Check your email box for a welcome letter from Kidsecured team. There you will find a link to your control panel and credentials (login and password).
  3. Follow the link and credentials to log in to your Control Panel. Once you are there, you can start monitoring your kid’s WhatsApp and other activities taking place on their device.

Kidsecured is the best parental control for WhatsApp for every mom and dad. It allows parents not only to keep tabs on WhatsApp activities of your kids but also provides access to others instant messengers and smartphone activities.

Having Kidsecured installed on your kid's device, you can forget about stresses and strains that your kid is involved in something nasty online or fall a victim of cyber threats. Get the peace of mind with Kidsecured monitoring solution.