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Browser Bookmarks

Make sure your child doesn’t interest oneself in inappropriate material. Monitor your kid’s browser bookmarks with KidSecured on Android or iPhone to detect adult-oriented websites and any other sources you consider unsafe for your child.

Browser bookmarks -

Browser Bookmarks Monitoring

  • View all browser bookmarks
  • Examine all bookmark activity
  • Observe timestamps for each website

Why Should You Check Your Kid’s Browser Bookmarks?

of children prefer watching things that shock or scare them than any other online material

Kids’ browser bookmarks can tell a lot about their true interests and things they like. Not many parents check their kids’ browser bookmarks, but that’s where the risks may be hidden. Adult-oriented platforms, sites that encourage self-harm, eating disorders, online games that aren’t age-appropriate and even live-streams – the list of online dangers can go on.

Your child may bookmark any of the mentioned websites. Check their browser bookmarks with KidSecured to prevent the dangerous material from affecting your kid’s mental health.