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Monitor iMessages with Kidsecured

Keep a vigilant eye on your kid's iMessage conversations. Ensure they are not involved in toxic interactions.

Monitor iOs iMessages -

With Kidsecured Parents Can:

  • Read every text shared on iMessage
  • Know who your kids communicate with
  • Check date and time of every text

Why Parents Will Find this Feature Useful?

of kids receive intimidating, threatening or mean messages online

TCyberbullying usually takes place on popular instant messaging services like iMessage. Children who are bullied online are more likely to suffer from health problems and low school performance.
Kidsecured is a reliable way to see your kid's iMessages. It allows you to protect kids from unwanted interactions and risks of becoming a victim of cyberbullying.

Parent’s Guide to Monitoring Your Kid’s iMessages

Nowadays texting is an incredibly popular and convenient way of communication for kids. Provided kids use Apple devices, they can access iMessage, the default texting app, that allows sharing text messages without a need to download an additional app, just through Wi-Fi or mobile data. Let’s consider in more depth all ups and downs of this service.

What is iMessage?

Texting is becoming a wide-spread mean of communication among kids. When it comes that texts are exchanged between Apple devices, they are converted into iMessage by means of the Internet.

So, iMessage – is a proprietary messenger for Apple devices. From one side, iMessage is convenient, and a fast mean of communication, but quite often, chatting becomes time-consuming and effects school performance and social life.

Reasons to Monitor iMessage App of Your Kid

There is no wonder a lot of parents get worried when they see their kids spending excessive time on iMessage texting. Let’s have a quick look at the main reasons why parents need to monitor their kid’s iMessages:

  1. Your kid may fall victim to cyberbullying, online predators and other threats;
  2. Your kid may be involved in unwanted interactions or be exposed to adult content;
  3. Your kid may suffer from health problems due to excessive texting (sleep deprivation, blurry vision, and sight problems, etc.)

Taking into consideration all the reasons mentioned above, the question is how to monitor kid’s iMessage?

How to Monitor iMessages with Kidsecured

If you want to get a clear picture of your kid’s communications and know who your kid communicates with, Kidsecured is exactly what you need.

With Kidsecured you will be able to:

  • Read all incoming and outgoing iMessages of your kid;
  • Know who your kid communicates with and what they type;
  • Check the date and timestamps of every shared iMessage;

As a parent of a teen or pre-teen, you may be concerned about your kid’s interactions. Monitoring your kid’s iMessages with Kidsecured, you can not only to prevent online threats but also ensure they are not involved in nasty things and unwanted interactions.