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Set safe and dangerous areas and get notified each time your kid breaches them. Keep a vigilant eye on your kid’s whereabouts with Kidsecured.

Geo-fencing tracking -

With Kidsecured Parents Can:

  • Set safe and dangerous areas on your kid’s device
  • Get notifications when a kid enters or leaves a zone
  • View the list of visited places on the detailed map
  • Check time and date of every visited place

Why will parents find this feature useful?

one child goes missing

Parents can’t be with their kids around the clock. That’s why for every parent it is important to make sure kids are safe and sound whenever they are.

With Kidsecured, you can create secure areas around the home, school, granny's house, and other locations your kid visits the most. Every time your kid leaves good zones or enters the dangerous ones, you will get a notification. Be aware of where your kid is with Kidsecured.